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Bone-strong children’s food with milk

Almost all kids like milk, especially the cow’s. Even children with neurodermatitis may drink milk if they have detected no milk allergy. Skin specialists at the Charité in Berlin found that 3% of all neurodermatitis reactions are because of milk, but over 90% of children with skin reactions do not get milk as a precaution.

They warn that the anxiety of parents would deprive children of an important foodstuff during the growth period. If cow’s milk allergy is confirmed, goat’s milk or products made from it are the best alternative.

More than just baby food
In former times, milk was only intended for infants. In history, however, in those populations that kept sheep, goats or cows as pets, the human small intestine also kept the ability to digest milk in most people. This also applies to our culture. No wonder, because milk provides valuable protein, digestible fats, high-quality lactose, a whole range of vitamins and minerals, above all calcium for bone formation.

Built from scratch
That children have stable bones is not only important for the childlike raving and romping, but an important health-preventive measure for the age. As with all other tissues, bone tissue is built up and broken down. During the first three decades of life, the build-up processes predominate, after which the degradation processes gain in importance. The supply of the organism with bone-stabilizing nutrients in childhood and adolescence thus determine bone strength in the later decades of life.

No skim milk 
It requires sufficient vitamin D for calcium from milk to be incorporated into the bones. It can form this when playing or when staying outside in the fresh air thanks to the solar radiation in the skin itself. Milk fat is also a valuable source of vitamin D. Vitamin A, another vitamin important during the growth phase, hides in it. Therefore, children should always drink whole milk or eat whole milk yoghurt or full-fat cheese. Then the supply of calcium and fat-soluble vitamins via the milk is excellent.

Author: Brigitte Neumann

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