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Children love chocolate

However, the chocolate bar from Halloween expeditions or children’s birthdays, from grandparents or relatives, often causes a disapproval of parents. Chocolate is sweet, fat and caloric. “Why doesn’t the food industry invent the low-fat chocolate bar,” one politician asked at the Congress on Child Nutrition in Berlin.

Wrong track
In the USA, the consequences of fat substitutes can already be seen in sweets: The more of it is consumed, the higher the number of overweight people. Now this correlation may be random. Diets showed however that despite calorie saving with fat substitutes, which have only half as many calories as the fat, the hoped-for weight loss did not occur., the human organism lets itself be more confused than “directed in the right direction”.

Enjoy in moderation
It is not chocolate alone that makes more children fatter and fatter. According to Kiel studies, thin children eat as much as overweight children. Also, where children may eat a bar of chocolate, they need not eat the whole bar. Strategies and the role model function of adults for a moderate handling of chocolate and sweets are better alternatives than developing low-calorie chocolate bars in the long term.

Author: Brigitte Neumann

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