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Well cooked: fire and flame for good food

Campfire - sitting together, cooking over the fire, eating together by the fire and experiencing how the fire is blazing, warming, turning into embers and decaying again. What for it weaves us with a touch of natural romanticism, and takes place on scout camps or adventure hikes, is practiced every day by people in Africa and other parts of the world.

Often you have no other way to prepare a hot meal. Even in the middle of the desert the nomads stoke their fire, boil tea and bake in the hot embers. If they move on, there’ll be a cold spot of ash.

Fire brings energy and change
Greek mythology says the possibility of using the power of fire makes man human because no animal can use it for itself. Where food is cooked over the fire, it absorbs energy and is changed whether over a campfire, on the grill, in the oven or on various hotplates. However, not all heat is the same. The simple comparison of crispy roasted potatoes, creamy potato soup and aromatic baked potatoes from charcoal embers shows how different heat changes food. Roasting, cooking, steaming, steaming, baking and grilling lead to a pleasurable variety of meals.

There are narrow limits to the desire to eat without fire, even if some nutrition guides disagree. Raw meat, except for a few varieties, is a little tasty pleasure, raw cereals, because of the grain’s own antibodies, difficult to digest, even many vegetables cause discomfort when eaten uncooked: Pulses, for example, contain so-called lectins, which are toxic to humans but are destroyed by prolonged cooking (at least 15 minutes). Raw potatoes are indigestible to humans. The large starch grains must first swell under the influence of heat before the intestines can absorb them. Even from carrot vegetables, the carotene can be used twelve times better than from raw carrot food. And tomato soups and tomato sauces also contain more usable lycopene, the protective substance from the tomato, than the raw tomato salad.

Delicious soup kitchen
How enjoyable - and also healthy - a balanced ratio of warm and cold ingredients in a meal is showed by cooking a good soup. The basis is the meat or vegetable stock, for which the ingredients from the roots to the soup bones are sauteed and boiled for a long time. In this broth, cook soup ingredients such as potatoes and various vegetables just below boiling point until they are firm to the bite and not yet overcooked. For a tasty fresh soup, the individual vegetables are best added one after the other - depending on how long each one takes to cook. The crowning conclusion is and remains the fresh herbs, which unfold their taste and effect when they are added to the plate chopped or chopped before.

Peel it, boil it, cook it or forget it - since the hygienic conditions in many countries of the world are poor and they do not accustom our organism to the foreign germs, they recommend it to eat well heated food on holiday. Fruit that is peeled, e.g. bananas, is an exception.

People with a “sensitive stomach” often prefer well cooked soup to fresh salad dishes.

Cooking with “bite” means not overcooking food and taking vegetables off the heat as long as “bite” is still present.

Raclette, fondue and wok are among the communal preparation methods at the table.

Author: Brigitte Neumann

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