Gold - the icing on the cake of fine dining
The precious metal gold decorates with its name much from the range of nature and the natural food, which works valuable on the senses and the well-being - all the same whether of the golden October, golden shimmering wine and golden shining oil the speech is.
Eating Gold
With some drinks and dishes someone can eat and drink even pure gold. They have produced for centuries “Danziger Goldwasser”, a high-proof brandy spice mix with glittering gold leaf flakes. In recent times, Japan has produced fine accessories made of genuine gold as tiny stars, hearts, cherry blossoms, “tinsel”, flakes or gold leaf for edible decorations. They give every banquet a luxurious, valuable touch and set accents on desserts or chocolates.
Colour for the senses
Gold has no appreciable taste of its own, no preservative or nutritional function. There is also no food with a natural gold content. According to food law, the precious metal is one colorant and hides behind the E number 175. It considers the usual very low consumption quantities harmless to health.
Gilded culinary delights
It is the power of gold as a symbol of the warmth of the sun and as a colour of confidence, and the knowledge of the chief value of the precious metal, which is why noble dishes are crowned with an edible gold dot on special occasions.
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